jueves, 13 de octubre de 2022


                                           MEMORIES ON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

The school 20 years ago rules would use  traditional method, the education was very important for the society in that time. All people had respect to the Teachers.  However the parents paid school fees, and bought the books for their children.

At the begining of year Teacher had recited the rules for each class to students when the students had broken up the rules  Teacher punished them. The Teacher unknown devices, Apps, internet. They planned the class according those circumstances. The bad behavior stopped  with the expulsion of the school. The obedience to Teachers from parents was mandatory, parents arthoriezed Teachers to punish their children. So the climate the class was so cool.

Nowadays the rules of education is different, instead Teacher is banned to punish the students, punish gently with reatrictions. The behavior of adolescents has changed, most do not follow the instructions of adults.   

What do you think about the topic?